March 2025 – News from Teston & Wateringbury Preschool
Teston residents beware! You may see some unusual characters walking around the village on 6th and 7th March when we celebrate ‘World book day’. The children and staff will be dressing as their favourite book characters – always a fun activity.
To fit in with our recycling talks we also have a ‘bags 2 school’ collection this term where our unwanted clothes are taken away to be reused and recycled. If anyone in the village has any unwanted clothes, bags, shoes or towels and would like to recycle them please bag them up and bring them along on Wednesday 5th March between 9am and 3pm. Please just ring the doorbell at the back of the village hall.
We are now taking names for September , so if you would love your child to be part of this amazing preschool family please contact Tina Driver:
Tina Driver 07805 796353.
See us on Facebook too!
(Registered charity 1162154)